With so many new health studies being published every year, it’s fair to say that it can be a challenge to find the perfect cure to help combat the negative effects brought on to us from common diseases that we know little to nothing about. Yoga is a form of exercise that has countless benefits, making it one of the most reliable treatments for many individuals, with a vast range of illnesses
Yoga is also a great practice that brings mindfulness and a sense of calm to your busy life as a result, yoga has many cardiovascular benefits such as: lowering your blood pressure and improving your lipid profiles just to name a few.
Just these two alone increase your cardiovascular muscles overall strength. Over time, yoga can and will assist you in building a positive body image. In turn you will see a change in your perspective of life. You will be more relaxed, calm, and stress free, with a clear mind; it’s time to be more in control of your life.
Adding a Goat to the Mix
There are many positives to having a therapy pet, and while exercising with a goat won’t necessarily make the animal your long-term pet, continuous therapeutic sessions with GOATS, will eventually leave you with long-term health benefits. The act of petting or being near goats will produce an automatic relaxation response.
There are many mental benefits of practicing yoga with goats nearby, as these grazing, hillside, animals will
- lift your spirit, lessening any feelings of sadness or grief
- Enhance communication
During yoga, all of these mental benefits will further enhance the outcome of your practice. Plus, goats are carefree, kind-hearted animals that are sure to make you smile and play like you’re a child again.
Written by our guest author: Veronica McGill